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Scholarship Opportunities

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  Are you hoping to fund some, or all, of your college career with educational scholarships? If so, then you’re in luck!  There are billions of dollars in scholarship and grant money awarded each year.

In addition to meeting with your high school guidance counselor, and educational and financial aid institutions, parents and students should research multiple websites, non-organizations and corporations that offer scholarship opportunities. You might also ask yourself, “Is this a good match for me and my educational interests? Is there too much competition? Do I have a good chance of winning?”

Remember, you don’t have to be a Valedictorian, Salutatorian or football/sports superstar to win scholarship money.  There are scholarships for all types of students. However, you do need to put some valuable time and effort into your search.

Start your search today by checking out opportunities on Harrisburg School District’s scholarship pages. Good luck and best wishes!