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Office of the Superintendent

August 1, 2024

Harrisburg School District Continues to Next Steps of Superintendent Search

The Harrisburg School District (HSD) is continuing into the next phase of its superintendent search with the Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA). The search began on Tuesday, June 11, with the District advertising for a candidate who has an aptitude for working in a culturally diverse community and possesses strong skills in school finance, budgeting and cost-effectiveness strategies. The desired candidate would also lead the implementation of the District’s Amended Recovery Plan to ensure that initiatives, action plans and goals are achieved. The search’s open application period included a comprehensive statewide and nationwide advertising and recruitment campaign, including outreach to the National Alliance of Black School Educators and the Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents.

The application period closed on Monday, July 8 with a competitive number of candidates applying for the role. The search will now continue into the next stage with the selected candidate being appointed in Fall 2024. The District appreciates the community and employees who responded to the survey seeking input on our next superintendent. Over 150 survey responses were received.

We will continue to keep you informed as the process continues. Meanwhile, we are pleased to introduce our Acting Superintendent, Dr. Marcia Stokes. Dr. Stokes has served as the Chief Financial Officer of Harrisburg SD since January 2022. Prior to joining the Harrisburg School District, Dr. Stokes served as a financial and operational leader in school districts in Pennsylvania, New York, and Louisiana for over 15 years. Before entering the field of public education, she was a financial executive for a global bank, a Commissioned Officer in the United States Coast Guard, and an elected school board member. Dr. Stokes is a proven, results-oriented leader who is committed to serving the students, families, and staff of the Harrisburg School District and its school community.


Dr. Lori A. Suski, Court Appointed Receiver


Dr. Marisol Craig

Dr. Marisol Craig

Assistant Superintendent

Harrisburg School District

1601 State Street

Harrisburg, PA 17103

Assistant Superintendent's Objective Performance Standards 2023-24 School Year

Section 1073.1 of the PA School Code requires that the Receiver post the mutually agreed upon objective performance standards on the District's website. Upon completion of the annual performance assessment, the Receiver shall post the date of the assessment and whether or not the Assistant Superintendent met the agreed upon objective performance standards. 

  1. Dr. Craig will provide leadership to improve culture/climate of all District schools by:
  • Attending all principal and assistant principal meetings to lead training/discussion on PBIS/MTSS roll-out with the leadership team
  • Leading implementation of Responsive Classroom and Restorative Practices
  • Leading early release professional development activities on culture/climate on third Wednesdays
  • Developing resource materials (posters, lessons) for PBIS implementation
  • Supporting building principals with implementation of PBIS/MTSS
  • Regularly visiting classrooms to collect data on PBIS implementation
  • Monitoring the implementation of PBIS/MTSS at each school and providing feedback to building leaders
  • Working with the Director of Safety & Security to develop diversionary programs as alternatives to in-and out-of-school suspensions at the secondary level
  • Serving as the central office point of contact for all parent complaints regarding student behavioral, disciplinary or attendance matters
  • Reducing out-of-school suspensions across the District by 25%


  1. Dr. Craig will create and implement a targeted plan to recapture charter school students and prevent brick-and-mortar students from exiting the District by:
  • Providing an in-depth analysis of longitudinal data reflecting cyber/charter school enrollments from 2018-2023
  • Determining root cause for students’ departure using parent and surveys
  • Establishing a comprehensive marketing plan for HVLA and Cougar Academy
  • Researching ways to reduce HVLA costs while providing quality programming


  1. Dr. Craig will develop an attrition plan to account for the elimination of ESSER funds by September 30, 2024, to include:
  • Plan to continue ESS services
  • Reduction in new positions by looking at how best to utilize existing staff
  • Seeking alternative revenue sources (grants, Medicaid reimbursements)


  1. Dr. Craig will lead student attendance initiatives as outlined in the Amended Recovery Plan by:
  • Monitoring student attendance and providing monthly reports to the Superintendent and Receiver/CRO
  • Addressing issues of poor student attendance with  administration to follow up with families

Assistant Superintendent's Objective Performance Standards 2022-23 School Year

  • Section 1073.1 of the PA School Code requires that the Receiver post the mutually agreed to objective performance standards on the school district’s website. Upon completion of the annual performance assessment the Receiver shall post the date of the assessment and whether or not the Assistant Superintendent met the agreed upon objective performance standards.

    • Dr. Craig will co-lead the District’s Comprehensive Planning process in a manner that engages all constituents and meets the prescribed requirements and timelines set forth by the PA Department of Education. Met
    • Dr. Craig will co-lead the development and execution of a written plan to improve the climate and culture of the District schools to ensure that they are safe, secure, and conducive to teaching and learning. Partially Met
    • Dr. Craig will research and recommend a structure for a HBGSD Office of Early Learning and Child Development, develop a plan and formulate a budget to be placed in effect by July 1, 2023. Met
    • Dr. Craig will analyze and evaluate current structures to establish systems that include clearly defined procedures and protocols for the efficient and effective operation of the Student Services Department (which includes Pupil Services, Enrollment and Safety & Security).  Met

    Dr. Lori A. Suski, Court Appointed Receiver, completed the annual performance assessment of Dr. Marisol Craig, Assistant Superintendent, on July 6, 2023. The Assistant Superintendent met or partially met the agreed upon Objective Performance Standards as noted above.