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Parent Resources


"ON THE GO" Materials

The "On the Go" materials include 14 activities designed to be used outside the home: in the car, while walking, during bus rides, etc. The activities encourage early language and literacy development from birth through preschool. They are appropriate for children with disabilities as well as children who are developing typically.

The materials are designed to encourage parents to interact with their children while they are "On the Go" to facilitate language, early literacy, and positive parent-child interactions. The 14 activities are accompanied by hints for each of the activities about how to modify them to meet the specific developmental needs of the child. Each activity fits on a half-sheet of paper, so it can be easily provided to parents as a take-home.

EVERYDAY MATH - Parent Resources

Below are a number of resources for parents to further supplement lessons with online practice questions, videos, printable worksheets, and fun games to play at home.

The links below may provide students with an opportunity for practice. These websites are not connected to CEMSE or to Everyday Mathematics and our posting them does not constitute an endorsement.


Games by Grade
and Unit

This page contains a list of games listed by grades and units.

Extra Math Practice


IXL provides a fun and engaging environment in which students can practice their math skils and be rewarded for their hard work. If you purchase a membership, you can also set goals, track students' progress, and monitor their usage information.


This site features a library of over 2,700 instructional videos and 240 practice exercises covering a variety of subjects, including many elementary mathematics topics.


XtraMath is a free web-based program that helps students master basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts. Students learn to recall them quickly and accurately and can then use these math facts as a basis on which to build more complex problem-solving skills.

Figure This

Math challenges that middle-school students can do at home with their families.