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ELD Reclassification Forms and Criteria

ELD Reclassification Forms and Criteria

State Required Reclassification Criteria for Pennsylvania’s English Language Instructional Programs for English Learners

Every LEA must include the state-required English learner (EL) reclassification criteria in the LEA’s program for ELs. The reclassification criteria represents valid and reliable evidence of a student’s English language proficiency and ability to access academic standards without specialized language supports. These required criteria ensure consistent measures across LEAs for reclassifying students from active EL status to former EL.

LEAs must assure implementation of the reclassification criteria within the Federal Programs’ Monitoring/Consolidated Program Review and the LEP System Review.

Reclassification of current ELs to former ELs takes place annually between June and September. Students reported as current ELs in the PIMS October 1st District and School Enrollment Collection cannot be reclassified during the period from October until June.

Under new federal rules, measures of academic achievement may no longer be used for EL reclassification decisions. As a result, the PSSA and/or Keystone assessment achievement criteria that were previously included in reclassification criteria have been removed. 

An EL must demonstrate the ability to access challenging academic content and interact with other students and teachers both academically and socially in an English language setting in order to be considered for reclassification. Evidence of this ability is demonstrated by the student on the annual English language proficiency assessment, ACCESS for ELLs®, and gathered by teachers using standardized language use inventories.

Using the following system, the ACCESS for ELs® and the language use inventory together produce a single score. If that score exceeds the state-defined threshold;m 10.6, then the student is eligible to be reclassified. 

Two language use inventories must be completed. An ESL teacher must complete one of the inventories. The other inventory may be completed by a single content teacher or a team of content teachers. If only one teacher can accurately complete the inventory (e.g. elementary classes in which the classroom teacher is ESL certified and provides both content and language instruction and there is no other teacher or administrator who can accurately complete the inventory), one inventory may be completed and the single score is multiplied by two. The two inventories do not need to agree.

The language use inventories must be completed prior to the release of ACCESS scores each year for students who, based on teacher input and previous ACCESS scores, are likely to reach the threshold of 4.5 composite score. Once ACCESS scores are released, the points are added to the points from the rubrics to determine if students are eligible to be reclassified.

Each language use inventory produces a single score and the sum of the two inventory scores is added to the ACCESS for ELLs® points assigned to determine if the student meets the minimum threshold for reclassification.

Below are the reclassification criteria and language inventories. Each teacher must complete rubric 1 and 2.

Reclassification Monitoring and Redesignation of ELs

Reclassification Procedures ELs with IEP taking ACCESS 2.0

Reclassification Procedures ELs with IEP taking Alternate Access

Kindergarten Language Inventory for Reclassification

Grade 1 Language Inventory for Reclassification

Grade 2-3 Language Inventory for Reclassification

Grade 4-12 Language Inventory for Reclassification

Reclassification Cover Sheet 1

Reclassification Cover Sheet Access for ELs 2.0 IEP

Reclassification Cover Sheet Alternate Access for ELs IEP

Notification of Exit from English Language Acquisition

This letter fulfills our legal obligation to notify parents when a student has met the criteria for EXIT from the ELA program to Monitor Status. The letter can be found on the English Learner Portal on the SAS website under the translation library tab.  


Post Exit Monitoring Form (Elementary) (Middle/Secondary)

During the 2-year monitor status, this quarterly PDE check list is completed with input from the mainstream teacher at the end of each marking period. One set is for elementary, and the other is for monitors in departmentalized, secondary classes. The student may return to the ELA program at any point in time, if little progress is demonstrated.

Post Exit Monitoring Form: Elementary

Post Exit Monitoring Form: Middle-Secondary

Parent Notification of Monitor Release

Send this letter home to inform parents of the termination of the student's ELA history. Record the sending date on the ELA screen of eSchool Plus. File the completed Monitor Checklist with the ELA teacher's signature in the student's ELL folder and submit it to the ELA ADMIN office.

Notification of Release from ELA Monitor Status 1