English Language Development
ELD/ESL Department
English Language Development
1 in 2 students in HBGSD speak another language other than English in their home
1 in 4 are classified as a Multilingual
26% of students in HBGSD are Multilingual (English Learners)
English learners represent 46 countries including Puerto Rico
614 immigrants - in the US less than 3 years
101 students with Refugee status
24 different languages are spoken in HBGSD
English Language Development Program Description
The Harrisburg School District shall provide an appropriate planned instructional program for identified students whose dominant language is not English. The ELD Program aims to provide Multilinguals (MLs) with instructional support that will enable them to fully participate in their educational experience in our schools and their social lives in our community. The objectives of the ESL program are to develop both basic interpersonal communication skills (BICS) and cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP), as described in the Basic Education Circulars for MLs. The ELD program will assist students in developing proficiency in the language domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, to develop competence in intercultural interactions, and encourage participation in the full range of instructional activities in the regular education curriculum and extracurricular activities in our schools.
POLICY 138 - Limited English Proficiency Program
The mission of the English Language Development Program in the Harrisburg School District is to provide instruction and support in English language development to foster the linguistic, academic development, personal, and social growth of multilinguals.
The English Language Development Program in the Harrisburg School provides equitable access for Multilinguals to receive meaningful, comprehensible instruction in all content areas.
English Language Development Program Goals
Harrisburg School District ELD program’s goal is to provide Multilingual Learners (MLs) with instructional support that will enable them to fully participate in their educational experience in our schools and their social lives in our community.
The Harrisburg School District English Language Development Department uses the following process and resources to identify and place multilinguals (MLs) in the Harrisburg School District’s LIEP. Upon registration, parents/guardians of students must complete the Home Language Survey (HLS) (Appendix A). This survey is included in the registration packet for all students.
Community Partners
- Central Susquehanna intermediate Unit (CSIU)
- Catholic Charities Diocese of Harrisburg
- Latino Hispanic American community
- Jewish Family Services of Greater Harrisburg, Inc.
- Food and Clothing Banks
In partnering with community agencies, the ELD Bilingual Parent Liaison provides valuable resources to parents, guardians, and families.
Programs & services
Math & Reading Strategies
Writing Workshops
Parent Support for school and district meetings
Linking Parents & Community Services
Trauma-informed barriers to assist with attendance.
American School Policies and Procedures
Others as needed.
Many of our families require support in their native language. Through Languagers interpretation services, we offer over-the-phone and video interpretation in more than 170 languages. If you need interpretation services for family meetings, please contact your school secretary or ELD Bilingual parent liaison.
Other services
Refugee School Impact Grant
After school program and Summer camp
Bilingual books and resources
Native language books and resources.
ELD Parent Liaison Goals
- Attends Parent Meetigs
- Connects families with community resources
- Liaison between the school district and bilingual families
Professional Learning
- Parent professional learning on math and reading strategies
- American School’s policies and procedures
- Informational meetings for parents and guardians to understand their child’s curriculum and ways to support
Translation Services
- Trains district employees on best practices for translation and interpretation
- Provides translation and interpretation services to parents and families
If Interested in English classes for adults in the community, please reach out to Mrs. Slaughter.
Here is the same information in Spanish
Socios comunitarios
Unidad intermedia de Susquehanna central (CSIU)
Diócesis de Caridades Católicas de Harrisburg
Comunidad latina hispanoamericana
Servicios para familias judías de Greater Harrisburg, Inc.
Bancos de alimentos y ropa
Al asociarse con agencias comunitarias, el enlace de padres bilingües de ELD proporciona recursos valiosos para padres, tutores y familias.
Programas y servicios
Estrategias de matemáticas y lectura
Talleres de escritura
Apoyo para padres en reuniones escolares y de distrito
Vinculación de padres y servicios comunitarios
Barreras informadas sobre traumas para ayudar con la asistencia.
Políticas y procedimientos de las escuelas estadounidenses
Otros según sea necesario.
Muchas de nuestras familias requieren apoyo en su idioma nativo. A través de los servicios de interpretación de Languagers, ofrecemos interpretación por teléfono y video en más de 170 idiomas. Si necesita servicios de interpretación para reuniones familiares, comuníquese con la secretaria de su escuela o con el enlace de padres bilingüe de ELD.
Otros servicios:
Subvención de impacto escolar para refugiados
Programa extraescolar y campamento de verano
Libros y recursos bilingües
Libros y recursos en lenguas nativas.
Metas del enlace de padres de ELD
Asiste a reuniones de padres
Conecta a las familias con los recursos de la comunidad
Enlace entre el distrito escolar y las familias bilingües
Aprendizaje profesional
Aprendizaje profesional para padres sobre estrategias de lectura y matemáticas
Políticas y procedimientos de American School
Reuniones informativas para padres y tutores para que comprendan el plan de estudios de sus hijos y las formas de apoyarlos
Servicios de traducción
Capacita a los empleados del distrito sobre las mejores prácticas de traducción e interpretación
Brinda servicios de traducción e interpretación a padres y familias.
Si está interesado en clases de inglés para adultos en la comunidad, comuníquese con la Sra. Slaughter.
Kathy Alston, M.Ed
Data & Assessment Coordinator
Keenan Lee
Bilingual Administrative Assistant
Lizzette Stanton
ELD Parent Liaison
Majo Slaughter